Why choose us.
At Health Assure, we have a strong focus on personalised care to help you get the most out of your NDIS funding.
We have immediate capacity and support clients nationally.
Because we have a person-centred approach, you will not be passed around multiple departments like the larger Plan Management companies.
We are:
H – Helpful. Our team is here to help make your life easier. You don’t need to spend time worrying about your NDIS Funds, we handle it all.
E – Experienced. You can relax knowing our team are experts in Plan
Management with many years of experience. You have a question? We have the answer.
A – Accessible. Information about your NDIS budget is at your fingertips at any time. We are here for you. Simple & Fast Online Sign Up in a few minutes!
R – Reliable. We are compassionate and responsive. We’ll always process your invoices and reimbursements swiftly. You are in safe hands with us.
T – Trustworthy. We act with integrity and care about you and your goals. To us you are more than just an NDIS Number.